Saturday 2 June 2012

“My favourite subjects are PE, woodwork and lunch time.”

In early April, some of my students wrote letters to Scottish pupils from my old high school, telling them about their lives, their families, and the best way to dance Azonto. This week I got the replies.

My pupils were ecstatic, they were so excited to learn about Madame Fiona’s country. But it was funny, as I read through the letters saying how in Scotland to get water you turn on a tap, and asking for facebook adds, I got a sense that this might be a prediction of how people are going to react when I go back. When I tell people about my life here they say that it makes them feel lucky. But it’s not that life here is hard, it’s just that life over there is easy.

Okay, I realise that the tone of this blog is starting to get a little moody as I dread my fast approaching return to Scotland. So here’s a surprisingly touching excerpt from one Scottish girl’s letter to finish on:

“I read Ruth Baiden’s letter and found it interesting how different her life was to mine because she is always so busy and always helping her family. She must be a very lovely girl.”

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